Useful Links
On this page you can access a range of online resources. Your username and password is located in the back of your homework book.
Purple Mash - You can use your purple mash log in to access lots of fun resources we use in class.
Times Table Rockstars!
Times Table Rockstars is a fun online way to learn your time tables, where you become a rockstar! Only the best will become a rock legend! Are you up to the task?
To access Time tables Rockstars, click the link here.
Numbots is a fun story based game that will allow you practice counting and your number sentences!
Click here to access and play Numbots!
My Maths
My Maths allows you to access lots of practice around different maths topics.
Hit the Button
In Base 11 we love to play hit the button. You can practice your number bonds and times tables.
Mr Nicholls' score is 30. Can you beat it?
Phonics Games
You can use this link to access a wide range of phonics and writing games.
You can view a variety of SuperMover videos by clicking this link. There are videos to practice times tables too! If you find any you like, let Mr. Nicholls know and we can try them in class!