
Randlay Primary School and Nursery

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Randlay Primary School and Nursery

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General Information about our Governors


At Randlay Primary School and Nursery we are privileged to have an enthusiastic, dedicated and well-informed group of governors with a wide range of personal interests and expertise. The Governing Body works with the Headteacher to set the strategic direction of the school and influences its ethos, philosophy and general atmosphere. We support and challenge the promotion of high standards of education for all our pupils by setting and reviewing targets for pupil achievement, managing the school’s finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, and appointing staff and reviewing their performance and pay.


The full Governing Body includes representatives from the Local Authority, local community, and elected parents and staff plus the Headteacher. We hold six full meetings each academic year. One meeting per term focusses upon matters relating to the curriculum where the subject leader shares their curriculum developments. The minutes are kept in the school office. Governors regularly visit the school for updating, information and monitoring purposes.


If you are interested in becoming a Governor at our school, please inform the School Business Manager, or submit an application when the next parent vacancy becomes available. You can also contact the Business Manager if you have any concerns that you wish to bring to the attention of the Chair of Governors or the Governing Body.


Governors Sharepoint Site 

Please log in with your school email address and password


Getting to know our Governors


Governors Privacy Notice

Doors open at 8.35am and school starts at 8.45am be on time.