
Randlay Primary School and Nursery

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Base 4

Welcome to Base Four 


Year 5

Mrs Fryer, Mrs Owen and Miss Bedding 



Our Autumn Term 2023 topic is





Our class reader this term is... 

'Phoenix' by SF Said


The Supernova is coming...


Lucky thinks he's an ordinary Human boy. But one night,

he dreams the stars are singing to him, and wakes to find

an uncontrollable power rising inside him.


Now he's on the run, racing through space, searching for answers.

IN a galaxy at war, where Humans and Aliens are deadly enemies,

the only people who can help him are an Alien starship crew - 

and an Alien warrior girl, with neon needles in her hair...




Weekly Reminders 







PE Kit


Homework Due In

Forest School Kit


Diary Check

Homework Set




Your homework will consist of 15 spelling words (10 which relate to that week's rule and 5 from the Common Exception Word list). You should practise these words four times using one of the methods which are in the back of your Homework Book. You will also have a Maths task to complete, which will be based on this term's KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts). Completed homework must be returned to school on a Thursday, ready to be marked and returned with the following week's homework on a Friday


The Year 6 KIRF for this half term is finding fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents (for example, knowing that 0.5 is the same as 1/2, which is the same as 50%; knowing that 80% is the same as 8/10 which is equal to 4/5 as well as 0.8). 


Reading is so important for a child's development. Reading just a few minutes a day has a massive impact on a child's ability to access the rest of the curriculum. If a child reads regularly, their writing will improve, alongside other core curriculum areas.



We ask children in Year 6 to read at least five times a week and write comments in their diaries for these reads. You should use the example comments in your diary to help structure these comments. We are looking for one vocabulary, one retrieval and one inference comment per week. The other two comments are your choice. We check Reading Diaries on a Thursday, so make sure your diary is in school on this day. 


Use the link below for some help with how to write your reading comments:

Excellent Examples of Reading Diary Comments 


Look at the slideshow below to see some of the superb reading comments the children in Base Four have made. They've been working hard to ensure that their comments are varied (vocabular, retrieval and inference).  



On Tuesdays and Thursdays, please come to school in your PE uniform: a white polo or t-shirt, a jumper, black joggers (in winter) or shorts (in summer) and plain trainers. No football tops please.

Doors open at 8.35am and school starts at 8.45am be on time.