This Year 3 class is taught by Mrs Maddock.
We are supported by the fabulous Mrs Unwin and Mrs LLoyd.
The Autumn term will be an exciting time as the children take the leap from Key Stage One into Key Stage Two. In Base 3, we aim to work hard, be kind to one another and have lots of fun.
Our first day in Year 3:
Summer Term 2024
The Romans have arrived to Base 3!
Water, Water Everywhere!
Autumn Term 2
After half term, our unit of work will focus heavily on the water cycle. Check back here to see the amazing work which we complete!
We used plastic bottles to make rain gauges as part of our science and geography unit on the water cycle. We planted them all over school. Over the next few weeks, we will be closely monitoring our rain gauges to see how much rainwater they collect. This data will then help us to create some graphs in maths.
Spellings for week beginning 13th November:
Group 1:
disappoint, disobey, disappear, disapprove, disable, dislike, dislocate, disadvantage, dislodge, disagree​
Group 2:
day, play, cowboy, enjoy, stay, toy, joy, clay, say
Maths is a huge part of our daily routine and we love to play maths games! Here are some weblinks for you to access at home to continue our mathematical journey....
As part of our English work on predators, the children have been learning all about the features of newspaper reports, in preparation for writing about a shark attack in Australia. Poor Rodney Fox! The children prepared some brief scripts and stood in front of the green screen to report this shocking shark news....
Our class book for this term is...
Things To Remember!
Homework is handed out every Friday and books need to be brought back into school by the following Wednesday. As part of the homework, children will be given a list of ten spelling words, reading and alternate Maths and English work. Spelling patterns are introduced to the children on Mondays, and practised each day as part of our morning routine. These spellings are then then tested on a Friday morning.
Reading comments should be completed in the children's reading diaries. If the children have read at least four times, then this is rewarded with a raffle ticket for our 'Big Book Draw' every Friday. Children should make a comment each time they read, using the question starters in their diaries to help them to write comments. Parents and carers are also allowed to comment in diaries if they wish to.
Our PE sessions for the Autumn term will be taught every Wednesday morning by Mr Trainor and every Thursday afternoon by Mrs Maddock. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days. Remember the new Randlay top that you have been given! We take part in the Mile Run on Mondays (gentle walk) and Thursdays (run/jog/walk!)
No jewellery is allowed during PE sessions. Earrings will need to be removed or covered with tape.
Base 3 have been working on their basketball skills, thinking carefully about space on the court.
Lost Things!
We all lose things from time to time. Help us to reunite your child with their items by making sure things have their name in them!
National Curriculum Objectives: