At Randlay Primary School we believe that maps are fundamental to our learning, and when used well, create exciting and meaningful learning opportunities. By having the opportunity to read, draw and create maps it helps to reveal and understand where we fit into the world, locally and globally.
Early Years
Mapwork begins in the Early Years with our youngest pupils. This starts with early mapping of stories, but also the school and our local area, to help the children begin to understand where they fit into our community.
Key Stage One
In Key Stage One our map skills begin to improve. We continue to stay local in much of our work, to really help us understand our community and local area. We begin to think a little more carefully about the features in our environment and start to map these out. We start to look more carefully at how maps work, and use them to identify locations that are important to us. Our understanding of the world continues to grow as we learn the countries of the UK, as well as the continents that make up our Earth. We also build on some of our story mapping skills we learnt in the Early Years
Lower Key Stage Two
In Lower Key Stage Two we continue to build on all of the map skills we have learnt in the Early Years and Key Stage One. We look at our local area in much more detail and the maps we use include more features, such as grid references and compass points. Our keys become more detailed and we think carefully about routes we take. We use maps and atlases to explore Europe, its countries and their capital cities We also begin to explore climate zones across the world.
Upper Key Stage Two
In our final years we use our knowledge of maps to help us to understand the world and its processes. We use globes and atlases to locate places in relation to the equator, latitude and longitude as well a time zones. We continue to look at climate zones and biomes and how these effect land use. We continue to develop our understanding of grid references and compass points. We look at trade routes and changes over time and have the opportunity to create our own detailed maps using symbols, a key and a scale.