
Randlay Primary School and Nursery

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Randlay Primary School and Nursery

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Behaviour principles


At Randlay Primary School and Nursery we hope that all young people have the opportunity to learn, achieve and be successful, but we also emphasise the need for every child to respect each other and those who work with them. Mutual Respect is one of the key values of our school. We also believe every child has a responsibility to respect the wider community and promote a positive image of the school. We want all this to happen within an inclusive community where ‘Working Together as One’ is our vision and where relationships are based on mutual respect.  


This means that everyone has a responsibility to ensure that:


  • Learning is the priority
  • Everyone shows respect, courtesy and consideration towards all members of the school community
  • Everyone is  honest, collaborative and co-operative with others
  • Everyone follows the rules and procedures of the school.

All members of the school community are expected to contribute positively to the wider community by promoting a positive image of the school and demonstrating a high standard of behaviour in and out of school.


Principles of Randlay Primary School and Nursery expectations


• Everyone has a right to feel safe at school. The staff at Randlay Primary School and Nursery are committed to ensuring that every child is protected from harm.

• Everyone is of equal value and will be valued equally regardless of whether or not they have a disability, whatever their ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation, national origin or national status, whatever their gender and gender identity and whatever their sexual identity.

• It is everyone’s responsibility to help make our school a happy and safe place where everyone can be a successful learner.

• We expect that the behaviour of children will enable teachers to teach, and each other to learn.

• Everyone is responsible for his/her own behaviour for learning.

• Our expectations are for good behaviour for learning.

• Good behaviour for learning will be celebrated and rewarded.

• The education of the vast majority of children will be protected from disruption by a small minority of unacceptable behaviour.

• Unacceptable behaviour for learning will be met with consequences.





To help protect and encourage, we have basic rules for our classrooms and outside. These are underpinned by our school SMART CODE


Speak politely and listen carefully.

Make sure you try your best.

Act safely, kindly and responsibly so that school is enjoyable for everyone

Respect and care for each other and the environment

Tell someone your worries



To encourage children to behave well we have a range of rewards:-


Award Assembly


Our Award assemblies happen every Friday. This is a whole school assembly where the work of children and classes is shared. A child may be nominated for their demonstration to one of our school values if they have done something particularly well or have been making excellent effort over time.


Nominations and postcards


Children can get nominated into the different key books in our school which relate to the different values of the school; Respect, Collaboration, Creativity, Courage, Aspiration and Excellence. For example, the may have shown a particularly respectful action or deed that week which has led to them being nominated into the Book of Respect.


Postcards home


When a child has been nominated into one of the value books, they receive a special postcard to celebrate this success. This is sent from the Headteacher, Mrs Stolic.


Stars and charts


Throughout the working week children will work hard in many areas of the curriculum. The class teacher will award the child for their effort and attainment in KS1 by awarding them stickers for their sticker chart which convert to housepoints for their class.  These accumulate until they fill their chart. In KS2 the children earn housepoints . 



Book awards


All of our children are encouraged to read as often as possible. Each week in our Award Assembly, two children who have been great readers are chosen and they receive a book of their choice.


All of these commendations are shared on our weekly newsletter.


Our Behaviour for Learning Policy outlines this information and gives further details of expectations within the school.

Doors open at 8.35am and school starts at 8.45am be on time.