
Randlay Primary School and Nursery

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Randlay Primary School and Nursery

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School Offer - Foundation

Entry into school

The school offers an induction programme for children entering nursery and school to make the transition as smooth as possible. Home visits are made to pupils in the term before they start nursery to meet children in the home setting and familiarise them with staff. There is opportunity during this visit to discuss any concerns about your child’s development. New nursery entrants are invited to spend an afternoon in nursery prior to starting. We liaise closely with other settings in the area and can offer shared placements where necessary.
For children starting full time Foundation we offer a series of school visits in the term before the child starts. At this time parents are also invited to attend meetings about matters relating to starting school.


Pupil's Voice


Two pupils from the Full time Foundation classes are represented on the School Council. Class Council meetings are held every two weeks giving pupils the opportunity to raise any ideas or concerns they have. Circle time is held weekly through our PSHE lessons allowing time to discuss areas relating to social, emotional and personal development.

Parent's Voice


Termly parent meetings are held through the school year where pupil progress is discussed. This is an ideal opportunity to raise any concerns you or the class teacher may have about your child’s development. We operate an 'open door' policy welcoming parents into school at the beginning and end of the school day to discuss any concerns or problems. Sometimes, if necessary, an appointment may need to be made to discuss problems in more detail.

Early Years Interventions


Interventions are put in place if pupils are found to not be making expected progress in certain areas of the curriculum. We have staff in the Foundation stage who are trained to deliver interventions in the following areas.

  • Language Land
  • Cool Kid's
  • Write from the Start -Teodorescu handwriting
  • Nurture Group provision
  • Listen with Lucy

SEND Procedures


The inclusion policy outlines the way the school meets the needs of pupils who experience barriers to their learning, which relate to sensory or physical impairment, learning difficulties or problems concerning social or emotional development. If there are any concerns relating to a pupil’s progress this will be closely monitored by the class teacher and the school's SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator) Mrs. Kate White. Suitable interventions will be put in place in class to support the pupil, this maybe through specialised resources or specific programmes. Following consultation with parents pupils will be placed on the school's SEN register to allow careful monitoring of their progress.Pupils on the SEN register will have a 'Provision Map' setting out targets and interventions to help the child make progress. Within the Foundation stage we work closely with other agencies such as the Early Years Inclusion panel if additional support is required. Assessment by and intervention from external professionals will be made if needed. We have regular communication and information sharing with an extensive range of external agencies.
Early Years Resources

In addition to the usual resources we have in class, there are some specialised resources that may be used to support a pupil who may be experiencing difficulties these may include:

  • Pencil grips
  • Stabilo move easy pencil
  • Specialised seating
  • Wobble cushions
  • Fidget toys
  • Visual timetables
  • iPad
  • Easy grip scissors
  • Accessibility


All areas of school comply with the The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001.


Training and Qualifications


Teachers in school work closely with the SENDCo who provides training updates through staff meetings. External training is also provided through courses offered by Telford and Wrekin authority. All staff have training in Speech and Langauge difficulties, Autistic Spectrum disorders and Dyspraxia. In the Foundation Stage we have staff trained in the following areas:

  • Nurture Group provision
  • Language Land
  • Cool Kids
  • First Aid paediatrics
  • Makaton
  • Lifting and Handling
  • Designated Person for Safeguarding
  • Build to Express
  • Cygnet training (Autism)
  • Child Protection and Safe Guarding

Progress and Monitoring


Class teachers and the school's SENDCo will meet termly to discuss the pupils on the schools SEN register. Old targets from the pupils provision map will be reviewed and new targets will be set for the following term. Parents and carers will be given a copy of each provision map made so that targets can also be worked on at home. At the end of the academic year class teachers pass on relevant information and intervention and provision maps to the new class teacher. If progress is not being made external agencies may be referred to to provide the school and parents with additional information and support.

Curriculum support


Teachers plan daily lessons to meet the needs of all pupils in their classes, teachers also plan additional provision for small groups that will work with the support of a teaching assistant. Children with Statements of SEN1:1 will receive support from an allocated TA for part of the day.
The class teacher will facilitate access to learning through the appropriate differentiation of tasks and activities and also through the provision of specialist equipment or modified resources where necessary. We make use of use of VAK approaches throughout the curriculum to support different learning styles. Our teaching is supported through the Implementation of specifically tailored support strategies and programmes e.g. devised by Speech and Language therapist.
Strategies to support/ develop numeracy

  • Targeted small group support in class
  • Withdrawal of small groups or individual children for additional numeracy support
  • Access to apparatus to support learners such as number squares.

Strategies to support/develop literacy

  • Small group /individual support, for example, with additional guided reading or phonics.
  • Provision of resources to enhance independent learning such as table top writing packs containing finger spaces, phonics sounds mats and high frequency word lists.
  • Pre-teaching of new concepts and vocabulary.

'Time to talk' and 'Language Land' groups to promote communication and language skills.

Doors open at 8.35am and school starts at 8.45am be on time.